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Certificate Rate and Fee Schedule

Certificate Rate and Fee Schedule Details

利率 Effective Date: April 1, 2024

This Rate and Fee Schedule sets forth current conditions, 利率, 目前适用于您在正规博彩十大网站排名存款账户的费用和收费. 信用合作社可不时提供其他利率或修改本附表所载的利率. 每个帐户持有人同意本费率和费用表中规定的条款,并承认其是《正规博彩十大网站排名》的一部分. The National Credit Union Administration insures your savings, 检查, and share certificates with WSECU up to $250,000.00 on an individual account and up to $250,000.00美元的个人退休账户,通过国家信用社股份保险基金. For additional insurance coverage information please visit

Account Rate and Fees

Share Certificates - 消费者 and 业务 accounts

术语 年%13 率%1
6-Month Add-On 4.60% 4.50%
7个月14 4.75% 4.64%
12个月 2.50% 2.47%
13个月 4.50% 4.40%
18个月 3.15% 3.10%
24个月 2.75% 2.71%
36个月 2.65% 2.61%
48个月 2.50% 2.47%
60个月 2.50% 2.47%
84个月 2.50% 2.47%

IRA Certificates - 消费者 accounts only

术语 年%13 率%¹1
6个月 4.60% 4.50%
7个月14 4.75% 4.64%
12个月 2.60% 2.56%
13个月 4.60% 4.50%
18个月 3.25% 3.20%
24个月 2.85% 2.81%
36个月 2.75% 2.71%
48个月 2.60% 2.56%
60个月 2.60% 2.56%
84个月 2.60% 2.56%

Minimum Opening Deposit: $250.004

Certificate Rate and Fee Schedule Disclaimers

真实的储蓄账户披露:本附表中显示的利率在上述生效日期是准确和有效的. (除 具体来说,以下披露适用于所有账户.)

  1. Rate 信息: 阁下帐户的股息率及年度百分比收益率(APY)载列于上文. 股息率和年度百分比收益率是固定的,并将在账户期间有效. 年度百分比收益率是基于股息将保留到到期的假设. 撤回股息(到期前)将减少收益并影响年利率.
  2. Nature of Dividends: 股息从当期收入和可用收益中支付,在股息期结束时按规定转入储备. 上述股息率及年度百分比收益率在生效日期是准确的, 信用社预期在适用的股息期内支付的金额.
  3. Compounding and Crediting: Dividends will be compounded and credited monthly. 所有股票的股息期为每月一次,从每月的第一个日历日开始,到每月的最后一个日历日结束. 一旦股息记入证书,它们就成为主要余额的一部分,并受到提前取款的处罚.
  4. Balance 信息: The minimum balances required to open each account are set forth above, this amount is also the minimum to earn the disclosed APY. Dividends are calculated by the Average Daily Balance method, 哪一种存款对每天的本金实行每日定期利率. Reduced minimum balance requirement from $1,000 to $250 for certificates opened on or after November 29, 2018.
  5. Accrual of Dividends: 股息将在您存入账户的营业日开始累积. 如果你在应计股息被记入帐户前关闭你的帐户,应计股息将不会被支付.
  6. Transaction Limitations: 您可以无限量存入6个月附加存单和U存单. 对于所有其他存单,只能在到期时追加存款. You may make withdrawals of dividends monthly by automatic transfer.
  7. 成熟: 您的帐户将在上述规定的期限内或您的帐户收据或续期通知上规定的到期日到期.
  8. Account Limitations: 资金转移II账户需要最低资格证书(12个月或以上/最低2,000美元).
  9. Amount of Penalty: 对于6个月的股票,提前提款罚款金额为90天的股息-对于84个月的股票,提前提款罚款金额为60个月或365天的股息. How the Penalty works. 罚款的计算方式是没收账户上已经或将要赚取的部分股息. It applies whether or not the dividends have been earned. In other words, 如果该账户尚未获得足够的股息或股息已经支付, the penalty will be deducted from the principal. Exceptions to Early Withdrawal Penalties. At our option, 在下列情况下,我们可以在到期前付款,而不收取提前提款罚款:(i)当账户所有人死亡或被法院或其他有管辖权的机构确定为法律上无能力时. (ii)当股票是个人退休帐户,提款是为了每年所需的最低分配.
  10. Renewal Policy: 股票可自动续期,到期后可续期. 有10个日历日的宽限期,以便在不受处罚的情况下关闭账户. 如果您不希望此帐户自动续期,请在到期前通知我们(到期后将不支付股息)。. 然后,全部存款可转入您的另一个账户.
  11. Nontransferable/Nonnegotiable: Your account is nontransferable and nonnegotiable. 您账户中的资金不得被质押以保证所有者的任何义务, except obligations with the Credit Union.
  12. JustU: Accounts available to members between the ages of 18-25. WSECU将为新开立的JustU证书提供25美元的奖金存款,最低存款为100美元. 优惠仅限于新的或现有JustU帐户为符合条件的良好信誉的成员. One offer per member. Funds not accessible for withdrawal or transfer for 90 days. Closure of certificate prior to 90 days forfeits bonus offer. 25美元的奖金存款将反映在股息收益中,并将在年底在会员向美国国税局提交的1099-INT表格上报告.
  13. Annual Percentage Yield (APY): Fees may reduce earnings. APY is based on a $1,000 assumed deposit.
  14. Availability: 教育储蓄帐户(ESA)不提供股票证书.
